Wednesday, March 30, 2011

You remember?

Kevin has so many saying and expressions these days that I told myself I needed to blog all of them so I could remember this stage in his life.

Here are the top 5 things Kevin says that crack us up:

1) If he wants something and doesn't want to come out and ask he says something like "mommy, you remember that candy in your purse?" or "mommy, you remember that CD we listened to in the car?"

2) If I ask him too many times to do something he says "mommy, you don't worry about me"

3) Even if it's just him and I walking somewhere, he races in front of me and yells "no, I wanna be the line leader!"

4) Of course the every 3 year old expression "you don't tell me no" or "don't you say those words to me" He also says "mommy you don't talk back to me!"

5) When he messes us and apologizes he always ends it with "are you still my friend?" Kevin is getting so big and as he grows so does his heart! He loves his family so much and the once never cuddle, never hold me baby is now a sweet little boy who gives hugs and kisses without being told. He is such a blessing to us.

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