Sunday, March 13, 2011

Daycare here we come!

Well the day has finally arrived and Eli starts daycare tomorrow! I'm excited, a little nervous and a little sad. Not because he'll be away from me during the day but because this is the last baby I send to daycare for the first time. I remember Kevin's first day like it was yesterday. He was almost 5 months when he started daycare and he was very ready. It's different starting Eli so little but I know he'll do great!

Eli is still smiling like crazy and on the verge of laughing. He is sleeping in his crib at night now! I started that routine just a week ago and he has done pretty good. Only a few occasions (last night being one of them) he decided not to sleep and instead cried for 2 straight hours. Got to love that!!!

I am returning to work in a week and I'm ready. Ready to get back on a routine and be around adults all day. Maternity leave went by fast the first 6 weeks. Since then it's slowed down quite a bit....especially after Ben went back to work 2 weeks ago. I am looking forward to having all next week to myself. I plan on cleaning and getting things in order before I start work. I also plan on napping a lot and enjoying one week of good sleep. I doubt it'll happen again for at least a year. I am still happy to report that breastfeeding is going great. Due to me returning to work I started pumping more during the day and feeding Eli by bottle so he would get used to it. Well that became the best and fastest way to feed him! He got used to the bottle very fast and preferred that over me. So now I pump and bottle feed. It's a great routine for us and allows Ben to feed him more often. Eli takes about 28 ounces per day and I can pump around 58-64 ounces. I have quite the stash of frozen milk now and it just keeps growing. I guess that's a good problem to have.

Kevin is doing great. He has the attitude of a teenager lately and has no problem expressing his thoughts and feelings. For example: mommy I'm tired of you, I don't like you anymore, I'm not your friend and I don't want to talk to you anymore. Regardless of all those not so nice statements he sure loves his family, especially Eli. He really has started cuddling with me more at night and any chance to get one on one attention with me he's all over it. He's doing better in school and is learning that good days result in good nights without punishment. He also just informed us a few days ago that he stands up to go tee tee now. He potty trained so early that sitting down was easier and made more sense for him. We've tried getting him to stand in the past and he just couldn't do it. Well he must have watched the boys at school because he also announced that sitting down was for babies and he's a big boy so he stands up!!! He's so funny!

I'll post new pics of the boys at daycare tomorrow. Since I'm not in a hurry to get to work I get to enjoy drop offs all week! I'm sure the teachers will love me! Next week when I have to be at work they'll be lucky if I say hi and bye as I'm tossing my kid into the classroom!

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