Friday, April 1, 2011

12 weeks old

It is so hard to believe that Eli is already 12 weeks old! I think back to the little 6 pound baby I held in the hospital and then look at the chunky 13 pound baby I have now and it doesn’t even seem possible that time has gone by this fast. Eli is smiling and laughing so much now. Lately he has started to recognize Kevin’s voice and he looks for him in a room if he hears him. He thinks Kevin is so funny and will usually smile and coo for him more than he does for me!

Daycare is going great for Eli. He takes a good morning nap and then is awake for most of the day. I am pleased to announce that he has slept through the night the past 2 nights!!!! He eats around 10:30 or 11:00 and has slept until 5:30 or 6:00. That’s an awesome schedule for us….if it stays this way. Since this is not our first rodeo, I’m not holding my breath – babies have little minds of their own. We learned that quickly with Kevin.

Everything else is going good. I’m settling in to a good routine at night with the boys when Ben is working. Kevin is fascinated with the show Dino Dan so after bath he watches that before bed. That has definitely helped in my schedule and allows me some time to give Eli a bath or straighten up the house. With the nice weather we’ve been having, Kevin is also playing outside more…which is wearing him out…which equals a tired 3 year old that is ready for bed at 9:00! It’s great. I’m also getting about 6 hours of sleep each night. Not ideal but I know it could be worse.

It’s opening day for the Rangers today and I’m super excited that Ben and I get to go with my parents. Gail is picking up the boys and taking care of them until we get home. Go Rangers!!!!

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