Monday, August 1, 2011

You gotta have friends!

So you know the scene in Shrek (yes, that’s what my world has come to - kids movies!) where donkey is singing slow and deep “I’m all alone….” and the end of the song he gets upbeat and finishes with “but you gotta have friends”. Isn’t that so true? You gotta have friends…not just acquaintances, not just people you smile at and say hello in passing – true friends. It’s been a challenge since Ben and I got married to build relationships. He’s always working crazy hours and days which leaves very little time for us, let alone other people. Don’t get me wrong, we have couples that we’ve been friends with for years – Chad and Ashley are the first couple that come to mind. We were friends before we had kids and living a little ways away from each other has been a challenge but we’re still friends. They are a couple that I know if we needed anything I could call them and they’d be right there in a heartbeat. They are dear enough friends that when we got the call almost 7 years ago that George was not doing well and we needed to get to the hospital quickly, they actually beat us there and were waiting with open arms to support us. We love them dearly!

In my crazy life now I work 40 hours a week, spend my nights feeding 2 kids, giving baths x2, night night x2 and maybe I have enough time to read before bed. And because I spend most of my waking life at work – friendship at work is important too. And did the Lord ever know that I needed a friend just like Elizabeth! Who would have thought 5 years ago when I interviewed Elizabeth that we’d become such close friends. We also met before we had kids and we both experienced the struggle of trying to get pregnant. The day I returned from maternity leave she found out she was pregnant! 9 months after Kevin was born she gave birth to the sweetest baby boy! She was the first person (after Ben and my mom) that I told I was pregnant with Eli. I actually couldn’t hold it in when I walked into the office that day. I was scared as all get out – excited but scared – and I think she about fell over when I told her! We laugh together, cry together and share so much of lives together. She’s the person I know I can call and say “hey, just pray for me!” and that’s all I need to say. She truly is a gift from God. I could not have survived 2 pregnancies, 2 births and now raising 2 kids without her. She’s such an encouragement to me – probably more than she knows!

Sometimes I get discouraged because my circle of friends is limited – mainly because I’m limited on my time and availability. I try not to let it bother me but I’m only human and sometimes it hurts not to be included in the events of other people’s lives. But I am blessed beyond belief with my job, house, dependable vehicles, healthy kids and a great daycare for my kids because of my job! But most of all I am blessed with friends, people who love me and pray for me and people I can depend on in any situation.

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