Thursday, August 11, 2011

7 months, 10 years and 2 teeth

I have to combine a few milestones into one entry...because I'm a lazy blogger! Let's see - Eli turned 7 months last Sunday. He's wearing 12 month clothes and weighs about 19 pounds. He's eating like crazy and just started yogurt this last week which is another favorite of his. Eli also has 2 teeth. Yes 2! He cut the first one last Friday and the second one today. They are so small and you can just see the tips of them but they sure look cute when he smiles!! He has a great schedule right now. Eats dinner around 6:30 or 7 and is asleep by 8:00. He usually sleeps all night and doesn't take his morning bottle until we get to school. That has been great with my morning schedule! I actually get to sleep in. I'm finishing up the last of the frozen breast milk then he's all formula. I think he's ready and I'm so happy he got breast milk for more than 7 months!

And I can't forget our little man. Our new phrase of the week is "don't give me attitude mommy" and being obsessed with the rangers. His favorite player is Josh Hamilton and he says his is "his baborite pwayer in the whole high world". That cracks me up!

And last...we are celebrating our 10 year anniversary today. I cannot believe it's been 10 years. It truly has gone by so fast. I remember waking up 10 years ago and hearing the announcer on the Today show announce "today is Saturday August 11, 2001" and I left the room to puke! I couldn't believe the day was finally here! I was so nervous yet so excited to get married and begin my life with Ben. He has been a wonderful, loving, loyal and patient husband. He became a daddy 6 years after we got married and I have loved watching him with Kevin and now Eli. Parents to 2 precious boys and 10 years later and it's still hard to believe this is my life!

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