Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Ben surprised me yesterday and brought Kevin to my work to have lunch! We ate at our new cafeteria at the hospital (yummy Chick Fil A) and also visited build a bear. Kevin made a cute shaggy dog who he proudly named Texas Ranger! We also made a monkey for our little monkey….and Eli loves it.

Eli is so close to crawling it’s not even funny. He can get up on his knees and then rocks back and forth. Eventually he sits back up or flops on his tummy like he’s confused on where to go. It’s very cute. He is cutting more teeth too. One so far up top I can feel and possibly a new one on the bottom. He’s getting so big.

Kevin is learning so much in school now. He is talking like crazy and says funny little phrases that throw me off from time to time. His new expression yesterday was “mommy when I talk to you please pay the tension to me okay”. It was too cute. He’s learning his letters like crazy too. It amazes me how much he knows already. He’ll be starting Pre-K in January, then hopefully kindergarten in the Fall at Kids’ Place. After he turns 5 he’ll do public school kindergarten also. Think it’ll be good for him and hopefully he’ll mature a little bit too….hopefully!!!

Ben and I are going to the Ranger game tomorrow evening. I’m super excited. In just a few short weeks we’ll be leaving for San Antonio. Lots of planning still to do but we are very ready. Traveling with Eli should be interesting but we hope leaving in the evening time will keep him asleep in the car until we arrive at the hotel!

Exciting month ahead of us and we are looking forward to the adventure!

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