Wednesday, February 23, 2011

6 weeks

Time continues to fly! Eli is already 6 weeks old. He's still a great baby and sleeps pretty good too....most nights! We are still working on getting him to sleep in his crib. He has to be really tired to be laid down anywhere and sleep. He can definitely sense when he's being held and is warm. He is eating great still and I'm pleased to say I am still breastfeeding. Most nights I'm ready to quit but my days are good so I'm hanging in there. His 6 week growth spurt has been a challenge but I'm hoping it's almost done. Feeding every 2 hours gets old fast. I'm ready for our every 3-4 hour stretches again. I should have been more thankful for those!

Kevin is doing great too! He is loving his "baby brudder" as he calls him. He always wants to know where he is and what he's doing. He constantly gives him kisses and rubs his face or head. He's so sweet and gentle with him.

Ben goes back to work Friday. Yuck! I'm not ready to do this alone yet. He does so much for us now. I know how blessed I am that he was off 7 weeks. I enjoyed the things we got to do while he was off. The shopping and eating out and running errands were great. It's something we never get to do because of his work schedule. Kevin has enjoyed it too. We have done all sorts of field trips with him. All in all my maternity leave was great because of Ben. The time we spent together and the memories we made are priceless.

Eli starts daycare in 3 weeks and I return to work in 4 weeks. I'm sure it'll go by very fast. Pictures coming soon of Eli's first Sunday at church and some other fun things we've been up to.

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