Monday, February 7, 2011

1 month old

I cannot believe Eli is a month old already. time has gone by so fast. Eli is such a good baby...he sleeps and eats and only cries when he is hungry. he has figured out the crying thing the last few days and it seems to be getting louder! He can hold his head up for longer periods of time and during tummy time he can turn his head from side to side. He has a monkey pillow pet his Aunt Lee Lee got him for Christmas and he really enjoys laying on that and looking around!

Eli is a great eater and has made nursing him very easy. kevin is very intrigued with me feeding eli. he doesn't ask as many questions now but the first few days were full of questions. Now if I sit down to pump Kevin simply says "you making milk mommy?".

It has been such a joy to watch Kevin as a big brother. He loves Eli so much and he's so gentle with him. Ben and I weren't sure how he would be and he's really surprised us. We are so blessed to have 2 healthy boys. Some days it feels like a dream that Eli is even here. His 1 month check up is tomorrow. Can't wait to see how big he's gotten. I'm ready for him to start wearing 0-3 month clothes. He is now fitting into his newborn outfits better...some are even too small. We're also anxious to find out about his reflux issues. He has been spitting up but we're more concerned about his choking episodes. There are times his lips change colors until he can catch his breath. It's scary but happens so fast.

More updates tomorrow after his appt! And I have a ton of recent pictures of Kevin to post too.

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