Friday, February 25, 2011

7 weeks and smiling!

Eli is 7 weeks old already and he has started smiling. It is so cute and it makes us smile right back at him! He made it through his growth spurt and we all survived! We decided to take Eli to see his nana and gmama at work yesterday. At nana's work we weighed him - he's already 11 pounds! That's crazy. His 2 month check up is on the 7th and we're also getting an ultrasound that morning to get a better look at his reflux and what's causing his choking episodes. He'll have to go 4 hours of no eating which should be very interesting. I'm glad we're having it done though...especially before I go back to work.

Kevin had a rough week at daycare. He's decided to start hitting his friends. Nice I know! During my talk with him last night he told me that (1) he was done talking to anyone about his problems and (2) he was quiting school and was never going back. Just great! He's a preschool drop out. He's at school today and forgot about his demands I guess!

Ben goes back to work today. I think he's ready. I'm definitely not but all good things must come to an end.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Eli's first Sunday at church

Kevin's first Sunday at church
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6 weeks

Time continues to fly! Eli is already 6 weeks old. He's still a great baby and sleeps pretty good too....most nights! We are still working on getting him to sleep in his crib. He has to be really tired to be laid down anywhere and sleep. He can definitely sense when he's being held and is warm. He is eating great still and I'm pleased to say I am still breastfeeding. Most nights I'm ready to quit but my days are good so I'm hanging in there. His 6 week growth spurt has been a challenge but I'm hoping it's almost done. Feeding every 2 hours gets old fast. I'm ready for our every 3-4 hour stretches again. I should have been more thankful for those!

Kevin is doing great too! He is loving his "baby brudder" as he calls him. He always wants to know where he is and what he's doing. He constantly gives him kisses and rubs his face or head. He's so sweet and gentle with him.

Ben goes back to work Friday. Yuck! I'm not ready to do this alone yet. He does so much for us now. I know how blessed I am that he was off 7 weeks. I enjoyed the things we got to do while he was off. The shopping and eating out and running errands were great. It's something we never get to do because of his work schedule. Kevin has enjoyed it too. We have done all sorts of field trips with him. All in all my maternity leave was great because of Ben. The time we spent together and the memories we made are priceless.

Eli starts daycare in 3 weeks and I return to work in 4 weeks. I'm sure it'll go by very fast. Pictures coming soon of Eli's first Sunday at church and some other fun things we've been up to.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

1 month check up

Eli had his 1 month check up today. He weighed in at a whopping 9 lbs 9 oz and is 22.5 inches. Didn't know a baby could gain 4 pounds and grow 3 inches in a month. We were shocked!!! Think he's making up for being born early. He's in the 90% for his height and 50% for weight. Just one shot and one unhappy baby!

We now have reflux medicine to give Eli. Obviously the reflux isn't keeping him from gaining weight but he is miserable after eating so we are looking forward to having a happy baby soon. We were excited that Eli "showed off" for his doctor today. She put him on his tummy and he lifted his head up and started looking around the room. He thinks he's big stuff now.

Kevin is feeling much better. No fever the last 2 days and coughing sounds better. Still not eating but that will change I'm sure.

Preparing for more snow tonight and tomorrow. This will be the 3rd time it has snowed since Eli was born. Texas weather for you!!!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Kevin is sick!

Kevin woke up with 103 temp this morning. He's had a little cough the past few days but no fever and acting okay. I decided it was best to take him to the doctor and sure enough, he has strep and the flu!!! I'm thankful Ben is still off work to help me. I couldn't do it without him. It's quite a task keeping Kevin away from Eli. He loves kissing him and not being able to even touch him is driving him crazy. He's on his antibiotic and didn't run fever at all today. Hoping he feels better soon and that none of us get it.

Kevin's trip to the Zoo

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1 month old

I cannot believe Eli is a month old already. time has gone by so fast. Eli is such a good baby...he sleeps and eats and only cries when he is hungry. he has figured out the crying thing the last few days and it seems to be getting louder! He can hold his head up for longer periods of time and during tummy time he can turn his head from side to side. He has a monkey pillow pet his Aunt Lee Lee got him for Christmas and he really enjoys laying on that and looking around!

Eli is a great eater and has made nursing him very easy. kevin is very intrigued with me feeding eli. he doesn't ask as many questions now but the first few days were full of questions. Now if I sit down to pump Kevin simply says "you making milk mommy?".

It has been such a joy to watch Kevin as a big brother. He loves Eli so much and he's so gentle with him. Ben and I weren't sure how he would be and he's really surprised us. We are so blessed to have 2 healthy boys. Some days it feels like a dream that Eli is even here. His 1 month check up is tomorrow. Can't wait to see how big he's gotten. I'm ready for him to start wearing 0-3 month clothes. He is now fitting into his newborn outfits better...some are even too small. We're also anxious to find out about his reflux issues. He has been spitting up but we're more concerned about his choking episodes. There are times his lips change colors until he can catch his breath. It's scary but happens so fast.

More updates tomorrow after his appt! And I have a ton of recent pictures of Kevin to post too.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

new year, new blog, new baby

welcome to the new sasser family blog! let me catch you up on our latest addition....

we welcomed the birth of our second baby, eli craig sasser, on 1/7 at 4:56pm. eli weighed 6lbs 3oz. he wasn't due until 1/30 but apparently had other plans. I woke up that Friday morning feeling strange. I cannot describe the feeling other than I knew something wasn't right. I was checked out by my doctor at 10:00 that morning and returned to work. I was pleased with the news I had dilated to a 3 but knew that meant very little....or so I thought. contractions started around 11am except I had no idea that's what I was feeling. like any other pregnant woman food was always on my mind and Friday meant nachos at the hospital. my good friend Elizabeth, worried about my pain level, had already joked that she would be eating lunch alone. nonsense!!! no pain was keeping me from food. I stood up at desk at noon and my water broke. that got my attention quick! I was entering the doors of Baylor at 12:30 and in a room by 1:00. my doctor visited me and informed me I was at a 5. holy cow! this baby was coming...ready or not. things continued to progress quickly and by 4:45 my doctor was being paged. 3 pushes later eli was born. it was the easiest and fastest delivery. I was thrilled to say the least. eli was a perfect little blonde hair blue eyed baby. nothing like big brother Kevin! regardless of being early he spent no time in the NICU, had no issues with jaundice and no eating problems.

fast forward 1 month. eli is growing like a weed. kevin is loving his baby brother and we are just in awe that we have 2 boys. life is busy but we are loving it. check in for more updates and pictures of our sasser boys!