Tuesday, April 30, 2013

A hard goodbye

9/11/06 - what was I doing?  I was working in a small pediatric surgery clinic sitting next to a girl I had only met once in an interview a few days earlier.  A girl, who in the interview (with a growling stomach), amazed me...there are no other words.  Something about her just hit me and I had to hire her.  Best decision I've ever made!  She was a God-send to say the least. That girl is now my very dear friend Elizabeth.

It was around this time in my life that Ben and I were trying to get pregnant.  We were doing testing and meeting with doctors left and right.  Elizabeth was a great listener and I always felt comfortable sharing with her.  Months would pass and on a very cold ski trip to Colorado I would find out I was pregnant with Kevin.  Some staffing changes took place in the office and it was during this transition that Elizabeth and I talked more, worked together more and realized how much we had in common.  Both were married, no kids and our dogs were our kids!

Like the scene from Forrest Gump when he says "You know it's funny what a young man recollects? 'Cause I don't remember bein' born. I don't recall what I got for my first Christmas and I don't know when I went on my first outdoor picnic. But I do remember the first time I heard the sweetest voice in the wide world."

I don't recall the moment we became inseparable....I don't recall our first lunch....or our first laugh so hard we could pee our pants moment - I feel like we've been friends forever.  We often would joke "man, if we went to school together we would have gotten in so much trouble". 

FYI: it's not only the husbands that gain weight when you're pregnant, your bestie gains weight too!  Elizabeth and I ate like there was no tomorrow.  Pasta was our favorite.  God bless Cook Children's for having an ICEE machine in the cafeteria - we drank the heck out of those suckers all summer!  LIFE WAS GOOD! 

I remember leaving the office the Friday before Kevin was born and I was so sad that I wouldn't get to see Elizabeth for 8 long weeks.  How would we survive without our daily talks and laughs?  Elizabeth visited me in the hospital when Kevin was born and I was so happy to see her!  I returned to work the Monday after New Years' to find out she was pregnant!  What an awesome day!!!!!!!!!  I loved her being pregnant and experiencing all the things I had just experienced. 

When I found out I was pregnant with Eli I couldn't wait to get to work to tell Elizabeth.  I walked right in, looked at her and said "come here" (I'm bossy like that)!  She has always been the person I wanted to share my exciting moments with. 

She's also the person I want to cry and laugh with!  We've had our share of both over the years.  I was on the receiving end of the phone when Elizabeth found out the precious baby she was pregnant with was in heaven.  We weren't together for me to hug her and tell her how sorry I was.  I had no words for my dear friend.  She is one of the strongest people I know. 

Elizabeth has had more "I told you so" moments in our 6 1/2 year friendship than I can count.  She knew both times I was pregnant with boys, she knew I was pregnant with Eli when I didn't and she knew I was in labor with Eli when I didn't too!  I'm sure there are many more that I can't recall right now!

We've had the pull out your hair moments with work situations and times when we literally felt we were the only 2 people who had a clue what was going on!  We vowed to always work together unless we both left and the only reason for that was to open a snow cone stand/daycare. 

So here we are - April 2013 - I'm in a new office and Elizabeth is leaving to pursue a career near her house.  I'm here with all the memories of our 6+ years together at Cook.  It's pure torture I tell ya!  I'm remembering Cook picnics, Jingle Mingles, ALL the many lunches we've shared together, Starbucks on a sleepy day (or any day for that matter!), lunches outside on a nice day - have you noticed all my memories include food?  Yeah, that's how we roll! 

Elizabeth:  Thank you.  Thank you for being such an amazing friend.  God put us together for a reason and looking back I am now more aware of those reasons.  I couldn't have survived this time in my life without you.  You've been a great listener, a shoulder to cry on, an excellent eating partner and someone that I am free to be myself around.  People don't get us - we know that - but we're 2 pretty amazing girls if I must say so myself.  I'll never look at Christmas decorations the same this year and YES I promise to touch something in the Atrium this year - just for you : ) I know this isn't goodbye forever... just a sad goodbye that I won't get to see you every day.  Good luck in your job, it was made for you and I know you'll do amazing!!  I love you sister!

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