Saturday, January 5, 2013

Sorry little brother....we need sleep

Dear Eli -

Not that it was a hard decision at 5am after being up for 2 1/2 hours with you but you have to go back in your crib tonight. Strange thing is your brother was a terrible baby and did this middle of the night no sleep thing but the older he got he grew out of it. You on the other hand were a great sleeper as a baby, slept all night and didn't give us any trouble. WHY NOW???? Why at 2 did you decide you needed us in the room to fall asleep? Ugh!

I had lots of thinking time while sitting in the rocking chair for an hour this morning (praying you were falling asleep.....). I couldn't help but think about the time preparing for your arrival.

Well back up before your arrival...I think about the times when we thought about getting pregnant again. We didn't think it was even possible for us to have another baby after waiting 3 years for Kevin. But early early on June 1st - all our impossible thinking revealed what I can only describe as a miracle and TOTAL SHOCK - a positive pregnancy test. We were flying out for our trip to Jamaica in 8 days so I did what any normal person would do - called my doctor in a panic that I needed an ultrasound ASAP before I got on a plane. Luckily my doctor was very understanding and saw me that afternoon. He didn't detect a heartbeat at that appointment but so graciously said he would see us back on Monday before we left on our trip. That appointment we saw you and your little heartbeat and were told you would arrive on January 30th.

My pregnancy was awesome with you. Never sick and no problems at all. I started feeling very pregnant late December and actually people started commenting that I wouldn't make it another 4 weeks. I started with pain in my lower back on Sunday 1/2. That pain didn't go away all week. On Friday morning 1/7 I woke up feeling just different. Couldn't describe it really just different. I went to work and started seeing spots when I blinked. Called my doctor and he saw me that morning. Said I made little progress and to go home and rest. Go home??? Yeah right! I wasn't sick I was just fat and pregnant and uncomfortable. So back to work I went - this was around 10:30 that morning.

By 11:30 I was in so much pain I couldn't talk. I thought (like any normal pregnant mommy) that eating would cure that. Well it did sort of. When I stood up to leave my water broke - little boy you were coming...ready or not. And "not" described it. I had nothing packed for you or the hospital. I called daddy and he threw some stuff together and met me at the hospital. I was in a room and situated around 1:00. Dr Maxwell came to see me and said if you were born before 5pm he would be there otherwise another dr would deliver you. Well that was a challenge! Your heart rate dropped during contractions and it concerned everyone. I decided you had the cord wrapped around your neck. I just knew it. The nurses and doctors didn't agree.

After a very easy labor - you arrived at 4:56pm with the cord wrapped around your neck twice!!! You weighed 6lbs 3oz and had a head full of blond hair. You were so tiny I didn't know how to hold you. But even though you were 4 weeks early you were healthy. Your lungs were good and you spent no time in the NICU.

The Sunday we came home it snowed like crazy. It was beautiful and I spent the day watching the snow and feeding you and just enjoying you. Our house looked like a tornado hit it as we were trying to wash your clothes and get things ready. We only had 1 pack of diapers when you came home!!!!

Oh Eli - you are such a blessing to our family. You still surprise us even 2 years later. So regardless of these rough sleepy nights and your stubborn personality I wouldn't trade these moments for anything! I will try to cherish this time and remember that not all households are blessed to have kids. I remember a time when I would have given my right arm for a sleepless night rocking a baby - and now I have 2.

With all that said though - you're still going back to your crib tonight. Sorry little brother but we need to sleep :-)

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