Saturday, January 7, 2012

Happy Birthday Eli

I cannot begin to say how fast this year has gone! Eli turned 1 today and it really does seem like he was just born. It's been a fun year with 2 kiddos...very challenging at times but so much fun. I've learned how to juggle my time with the boys, work, cooking, cleaning and "free time" (whatever that is!). My free time has become a thing of the past but I cannot complain.

Eli is not walking yet! He is completely off the bottle though. Kevin was still taking a night night bottle until he was 14 months old so I'm excited that I entered 2012 not washing anymore bottles. My hands are thanking me already! Eli is close to walking and I anticipate he will be on the move in the next few weeks.

He moves up to toddlers on 1/23 and I am very excited. He's ready for a change and I think he'll enjoy a new change of pace in a new room with new friends.

We had my parents, Ben's mom and sister and Franny over today for Eli's party. He was a champ at eating his cake and got fun presents and new shoes and clothes. I cannot even imagine this time next year with him being 2 and Kevin turning 5! My babies are growing up too fast. Hoping my next post is to announce that Eli has conquered walking!

Happy Birthday my little monkey. You continue to surprise us daily and I love watching you grow up. You eat like a big boy and sleep 12-13 hours a night. You are signing so much lately and have figured out "eat, more and all done". All signs pertaining to shock there! For your birthday dinner you had pork chops, green beans, mac n cheese and fruit. You finished it off with a few cookies then ate mama's cookie cake before bed. You will definitely outgrow your brother!! This time last year I was snuggling you in a hospital bed at Baylor, still in shock that you were here (and that you had blonde hair!). A year later you are drinking from a cup and trying to walk and the more your hair grows the more blonde it gets! We love hearing from everyone how different you and your brother look because of your blonde hair/blue eyes. That just goes to show that you are your own person and you have plans of your own!

We love you Eli and look forwad to the fun and exciting year ahead of us!

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