Friday, December 2, 2011

Because I’m the world’s worst blogger – I will combine all my news in a quick update:

First: Eli is getting his 4 top teeth in! This just started a few days ago and surprisingly enough he’s in a pretty good mood! Before Thanksgiving he had an ear infection and thrush – that cleared up in about a week and now the thrush is back. We are attempting another round of medicine this week and hoping it works. Eli is cruising on everything these days. He can stand up by himself for a short amount of time only. He is eating everything under the sun, completely off baby food and only 3 bottles a day now. So ready for no formula in a few weeks. He still struggles drinking out of a sippy cup but I’m sure he’ll get the hang of it soon enough. This baby is in no hurry to do anything….

Second: Kevin had a wonderful 4th birthday. We had a party at the park and invited all our friends and family. It was so windy and a little cool in the morning but turned out to be a great day and he had a blast. Ben was brave and picked up the bounce houses (to save money) and did a great job at setting them up. Kevin got so many cool presents and is definitely set in the toy department for the next year!

Third: I don’t really think there is a third. My news is all boring. Our life consist of church, school and work. If we sleep…that’s a bonus. I joke all the time that my kids are fed and bathed on a daily basis, don’t expect much more out of me until they are older.

And to answer the question that I was asked several time recently – NO….we are not trying for another baby and NO I’m not sad that we’re not having a girl! I love being a mommy and raising my 2 boys. Couldn’t ask for anything more.

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