Wednesday, October 12, 2011

9 month check up....and sick Kevin!

Eli had his 9 month check up last week. He weighed in at 20lbs 9oz and was 30" long. He is at the 95% percentile for his height and 50-75% for his weight. My big boy is wearing 18 month clothes now! I cannot believe that. He is doing so good. Crawling like crazy, pulling up on everything and "talking" up a storm. We just had to drop Eli's crib recently because he was pulling up in it and could easily fall out if he leaned over too far. He's such a fun baby and getting quite the personality too. He yells a lot - and sometimes for no reason. He laughs like crazy at the silliest things too. He sleeps all night and wakes up looking for his bottle. Daycare is great with him and he rarely stays in his classroom - he ends up crawling over to see friends in the room next door! He's still as blonde as he can be and his eyes are very blue. I love it!!

Kevin tagged along for Eli's appointment! His friend at school ended up with strep last week and sure enough on Friday Kevin started complaining of a sore throat and had no energy. Come to find out - he had strep too! Poor kid was miserable but bounced back very fast.

We are in the process of planning Kevin's 4th birthday party! It's going to be a Texas Ranger party the park. He's super excited!

Pretty quiet in our house lately - well not really "quiet" but drama free at least. Our house is enjoying the ALCS games this week and rooting for the Rangers to win!!

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