Monday, July 4, 2011

Sitting up!

Yes I know I have promised pictures in almost every post....and here I go again making a post with no pictures. I have a ton of pictures to post and show off how big Eli is getting and some new pictures of Kevin but logging into my laptop, plugging in the camera and downloading then uploading pictures is SO much work!!! So I do promise pictures soon - and maybe I'll have the time and energy this week!

But for an update: Eli is now sitting up by himself. He can sit up unassisted for a long time but can get excited and lean backwards and then tip over! He continues to eat great and is loving his homemade baby food. I didn't think I'd enjoy making his food but I actually did! I think I did better this time than I did with Kevin. His favorite food is sweet potatoes and bananas. He'll eat anything I give him though. He's taking 4 7-8 ounce bottles a day. Still giving 1/2 breast milk 1/2 formula. I still have about 8 bags of frozen milk (each bag has 40oz of milk) maybe another month or so before he goes straight formula. I'll have to change it up soon to 6oz formula 2oz breast milk so he can get used to it.

The 4 of us enjoyed the morning eating breakfast at ihop. Then Kevin and I spent the afternoon at the splash park and eating snow cones! Perfect 4th of July! We'll all be asleep before the fireworks start and as much as Kevin loves fireworks he has no idea what happens on July 4th! Kind of happy about that. Think next year will be different. Was thinking today at the pool that this time next year Eli will be 18 months and I'll have both boys at the pool! Wow!

So I promise coming soon!

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