Monday, May 30, 2011

A memorial day to remember

My kids are determined to make holiday weekends so memorable for me! Kevin has passed the torch to Eli and he made his brother proud. We took a trip to urgent care Sunday afternoon and discovered that Eli has hand foot and mouth. His temperament yesterday wasn't too bad. Maybe a little fussier than usual but nothing I couldn't handle. That all would change at 2am when Eli woke up screaming his head off. That continued for about 2 hours and he finally crashed. The screaming continued all day along with no eating! Here we are Monday evening with no improvement and I'm just praying for a good night.

So when asked how I spent memorial day 2011 I'll definitely remember holding my cranky rash covered not eating 4 month old. But this too shall pass and I know he'll be back to his laughing fun self very soon. Until then I'll just enjoy loving him and taking care of him. Being a mama is great...most days!

1 comment:

  1. Oh honey, I am so sorry! Dominic had hand foot and mouth last week, but not to that extent. We kept giving him tylenol to help ease the pain and the dr prescribed some magic mouthwash to numb his mouth. Dominic's symptoms lasted from beginning to end about 5 days... praying for ya'll!!!!
