Monday, May 30, 2011

A memorial day to remember

My kids are determined to make holiday weekends so memorable for me! Kevin has passed the torch to Eli and he made his brother proud. We took a trip to urgent care Sunday afternoon and discovered that Eli has hand foot and mouth. His temperament yesterday wasn't too bad. Maybe a little fussier than usual but nothing I couldn't handle. That all would change at 2am when Eli woke up screaming his head off. That continued for about 2 hours and he finally crashed. The screaming continued all day along with no eating! Here we are Monday evening with no improvement and I'm just praying for a good night.

So when asked how I spent memorial day 2011 I'll definitely remember holding my cranky rash covered not eating 4 month old. But this too shall pass and I know he'll be back to his laughing fun self very soon. Until then I'll just enjoy loving him and taking care of him. Being a mama is great...most days!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Lots going on in the Sasser house these past few weeks. Eli is laughing and talking so much – he is such a happy baby! He is also sleeping through the night…which is a huge blessing. He eats around 9:00 and sleeps until 5:00. We started some cereal with him at night. He does okay with it but not a big fan just yet. Kevin wasn’t either. We pretty much skipped cereal and went straight to baby food with him. I think I’ll continue the cereal at night (even if it just a few bites) and hold off on baby food for at least another month or so. It’s not like gaining weight is an issue with him! He is growing like a weed. I had to adjust the car seat straps this weekend. They are at the highest level so if he grows again, we’ll be buying a big boy car seat for him!

Kevin is doing great also. We had some major daycare drama the first of this month which ended in Ben and I staying home with the boys for 2 weeks and them starting a new daycare just this past Monday. We could feel God’s hand in the entire process though and we know all this happened for a reason. They love their daycare now and Kevin is doing so much better in just the few days he’s been there. He is learning his letters and how to write them – we are also still working on his sign language. He knows majority of the alphabet and many other words. We really enjoy him being able to sign still and it’s fun to learn with him!

We had our first “take cover in the bathtub” experience last night. Boy was that exciting! Bad storms came right through Saginaw and there we were smack dab in the middle of it. I had all our stuff packed up in case we had to take cover and warned Kevin that when I said “get in the tub” I meant it! Sure enough the sirens went off, saw rotating clouds over our house, and we were all sitting in the tub with pillows over the boys head. We lost power for a little while and the sound of the sirens and wind outside was enough to make this mommy scared. I took that opportunity to remind Kevin that we can pray for God to watch over us so we did lots of praying while we waited. Power came back on soon after the storm passed and I was surprised to see no damage at all in our neighborhood.

Well that’s been our exciting month so far. Eli has been ear infection free for a month and we are praying that continues. It does appear he is about to get his 2 bottom teeth soon. I can see them under the gum line already. He’s just been sleeping a lot, not really fussing too much about them so far.

I am loving this stage of both Kevin and Eli. It makes for some interesting nights and fun weekends now that Eli is getting bigger and easier to care for.

Friday, May 13, 2011

4 month check up

Eli had his 4 month check up today! He weighed in at 15lbs 3oz and 26 inches! He's growing so fast. He's in the 90% for his height and 50% for weight. He got 2 shots and although he wasn't thrilled he got over it fast.

The boys are changing daycares....yes again! It really is a VERY long story but the drama is over and I'm happy they will be in a new center on 5/23. Another change is taking place - we are in the process of switching Eli to formula. After 4 months of nursing I am done! And really that's an understatement. I have about 4-6 weeks of frozen milk so he's getting breastmilk for a little longer...just less work for me!! He's done great on the formula. No tummy issues so far. I am enjoying the freedom and extra sleep!! My milk isn't completely gone yet but I anticipate in the next few weeks I'll be completely done. It was fun while it lasted!

Kevin is doing great!! Keeping us busy as usual but still such a sweet boy. Loving being a mama of 2 boys!!