Friday, December 28, 2012

Saying good-bye to 2012 – and looking forward to 2013

Although my posts don’t reflect anything happened in 2012, the lack of posts reflect a very busy year for us!

In June, after much prayer, we made the decision to start looking for a new church.  I’ve never researched so much on the internet in my entire life.  I emailed churches, checked out websites and made numerous phone calls daily – all arrows pointed to one church – Harvest Church.  We had a few we wanted to visit but we knew Harvest was our first choice.  I went alone with the boys the first Sunday in June, cried during the worship time and part of the preaching – I just felt so alone and confused and lost and just a flood of emotions came over me!  We had been preparing for this day for a few months and it was here – and there I was – in an auditorium of about 1000 people and I knew not a single person.  Ben went with me Sunday night where we attended the Growth Track series that introduced us to Harvest…..we fell in love with the church that night!  2 hours later we were walking out and just felt this total peace about everything – this was the church we needed to be in.  Ben took off on Sundays the entire month of June and we visited as a family.  We never visited another church….we didn’t have to!  Hard to believe it’s been almost 8 months that we’ve been at Harvest.  The children’s ministry is amazing and Kevin is learning so much in his classes.  I am involved in helping in nursery twice a month and I am loving getting to know families and loving on the sweet babies in my room.

We started having some issues with Kevin’s behavior in August.  We made an appointment to see a Behavioral Doctor the end of August and at that point there were no indication that Kevin had ADHD or any form of autism (Asperger’s was a concern at one point).  He started him on a low dose medication at night to help him sleep and we changed some ways we handled him at home.  Kevin started Kindergarten mid-September at Kids’ Place and the first few weeks went well on the new medicine.  After a few weeks we started seeing issues come up again and we went back to the doctor.  After evaluating him again, he diagnosed him with ADHD and started him on a new medication to take each morning.  Kevin is a like a different child now.  He’s so calm and mostly quiet – he’s still a 5 year old boy and still our funny and outgoing Kevin – he just has control now and it’s wonderful!  Kevin is reading at a 1st grade level and loves to read any and everything he can!  He has such a sweet heart for his family and friends.

Now to our crazy blonde headed Eli!  He’s a mess – that’s about all I can say about him…a true mess!  His smile lights up a room!  He talks up a storm now and never slows down.  He decided a few weeks to start using the potty.  We are taking a slow approach in potty training him since he tends to get bored with small tasks and I don’t want to burn him out too early in the process.  He’s doing fabulous though and we hope to have him in underwear very soon.  Can’t believe he’ll be 2 in just a week…time went by too fast with him.

Ben and I are doing wonderful….we celebrated our 11th anniversary in August and had our annual dinner at Texas de Brazil.  I’m reminded each year what a wonderful husband God gave me and I’m so thankful for him.

Think that catches me up for the last 6 months of 2012.  My goal for 2013 is to blog better and post more pictures…we’ll see how that turns out!

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