Friday, February 17, 2012

Eli is still surviving toddlers. He is feeling much better it seems and adjusting quite well to his new routine. He rarely fusses or cries for me when I drop him off - mainly because he's super excited about eating breakfast each morning with his friends. He is walking better although not fully walking on his own yet. He can take steps and practically walk across the room but why do that if crawling is so much faster?!?!? He loves to stand up and clap for himself and take a few steps and clap some more. He never gets tired of being proud of himself!

Kevin is doing great in school - loving him some pre-k these days! He's learning so much and can write his name and practically anything else you tell him to write. He knows his letters and what words start with what letters. Funny story: We were driving home one day this week and my Bible was in the back seat (I read my daily Bible readings from my ipad so don't judge!) and Kevin picked it up. I can hear him asking "mommy is this your Bible?" Not being able to see if it was mine I said "look at the bottom, does it say C-A-N-D-I?". He quickly replied "nope! it says H-O-L-Y and the next word is Bible, I don't think that's your name!" Oh how I laughed. He of course could not figure out what was so funny. This kid constantly keeps me laughing and guessing his every move.

He is all signed up to play blastball next month and he is now equiped with a helmet (thanks to daddy!), a bat, ball, glove, pants and shoes. He's determinded to be the next Josh Hamilton or Ian Kinsler - his two favoriate players!

Ben's new work schedule has his home 6 days a week now instead of 2 so we are really enjoying him! He gets to see the boys so much more and attitudes are much better at night, probably since mommy isn't yelling like a crazy woman trying to get 2 kids to eat, bathe and sleep! I of course love him being home too. We work so great together and can knock out dinner and a bath in no time at all. He's a great daddy and husband!

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