Friday, June 3, 2011

It's just potatoes

So my mom has this new saying "it's just potatoes". She had a friend who dropped an entire boiling pot of potatoes on the floor. As she sat there crying over them her teenage son informed her...."mom, it's just potatoes - why are you crying?" It's the expression she uses when life throws something at you and really in the whole scheme of things, it's's just potatoes!

Well life has thrown us some major curve balls lately. At the time we thought it was the end of the world but just like mama said - it was just potatoes. Our boys are now in a new daycare (well not really "new", it's the same center Kevin was at until we moved him last November). They are considerably more expensive than the daycare they were in but it's just potatoes! Eli's class is wonderful and the teachers are the best. He is now sitting up almost completely by himself!

Kevin was actually our reason for leaving the other daycare. The only word I can use to describe them is terrible. Terrible staff, terrible with the kids, terrible management - just plain terrible! We tried to stick it out and look for the good in the center but we couldn't. Kevin's behavior was getting very bad and he was so bored in his class. They have been in their new center for 2 weeks now and Kevin has been wonderful! He's learning so much and his behavior is 100% better. I am absolultely amazed. No actually I'm not - God had His hand in this from the beginning. Why should I be amazed? Why do we doubt God?

The situation is just perfect. The boys are across the street from my office, I can walk over any time I want to check on them and just this last week when Eli was sick I was able to walk over to give him medicine. It's just the best thing ever.

So we've really started adopting the "it's just potatoes" thinking in our lives. I'm trying hard not to stress about the little things and focus on the big picture. The "just potatoes" things in life I can handle!

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