Monday, November 25, 2013

The Joys of Kindergarten

How do I wrap up the first 3 months of Kindergarten into a few words? The first few that come to mind.... "I'M OVER IT", "WHEN DOES IT END?", "I DIDN'T SIGN UP FOR THIS!" This is not in a million years how I pictured Kevin's kindergarten year to go. Is life really that difficult when you're 6? Is it true that the right teacher can make all the difference in the world? Let me first start off by saying I've always supported teachers. They have a hard job and I recognize it. But this is MY baby, MY precious angel, MY kid I've worked so hard to get to the age of 6 without killing him first....things are a little different when you're in the public school system and you are dealing with the teacher one on one. Behavior Chart: Not a fan! What is it's purpose? Do we use a chart for anything else in the classroom? "Oh yay, little Johnny can read 4 words in a row, sorry little Sally, you can only read 1" Do we post that on the wall for others to see? At what point is the behavior chart an embarrassment to the kids? Do we have an end of year party for all the kids who are reading well or have mastered math or cutting? No! We have a party for the kids who have managed to keep their color on green all 9 weeks. For some kids that's a walk in the park. For others it's impossible. Do we think about those kids when all the "good" kids are having a party during school hours and you are forced to sit in a room with all the "bad" kids? Have an academic party and my kid will be invited to every one! Have a conduct party and not in his wildest dreams could he be invited. What message does that send our kids? I am a firm believe that when you speak life and truth into kids, they hold on to that truth their entire life. This is his first year of school. His first experience EVER of how this whole school thing works and this is the message being sent home every day...."I'm not good enough". Reward him for being at a level 18 in his reading when others in his class are at a 3. Reward him for understanding the concept of a solid, liquid and gas at the age of 6. Reward him for knowing math skills and using them. Reward him for his ability to reason out answers and they actually make sense!! But please don't punish him because he struggles from time to time with sitting in his chair or not blurting out answers. We are sending an email to the teacher, principal and vice principal when they go back to school on Monday 12/2. If this is a teacher issue, put him in another class please! They'll both be happier. I realize I am fighting a losing battle. I'm not the first parent to put their kid in school and not be happy with the system. I'm not the first ADHD parent to struggle with their child's teacher and I know I won't be the last. But I also know that doing the same thing year after year after year just because you think it works, doesn't make it right! Kevin can't advocate for himself and as his mom I feel it's my job to at least say something in his defense. I want him to know that regardless of what teachers say to him or about him, we know he's a good kid. We know he tries hard. We know his heart. We will continue to speak truth into his life and one day we'll look back and I can only hope and pray we are all stronger as a result.