Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Yes I know I must start blogging more often but finding time is a struggle with two very busy boys. Kevin started t-ball the end of march. His team is the Dodgers and his coaches names are Rick and Mario - two incredibly patient and talented men! Kevin loves coach Rick to pieces and can't get enough practice or games each week. His last game is next Saturday and we wait patiently for fall season to start. Eli is a mess! He's walking and practically running everywhere these days. He's saying a few words here and there. He can say ball, mama, dada, more, cup, please and go. He's getting more teeth it seems like daily. He has 12 total now and just cut his 4 molars and 2 bottom teeth in the past month. Work is going great for both of us. Our office moved into the Dodson speciality clinic building the end of march and it's been wonderful having so much space!!! I currently have my own office but the office continues to grow and I could be kicked out of my office soon to make room for more staff. Whatever it takes to get the job done and makes the doctors happy - I'm all for it! My grandmother (Franny) turned 80 last week. That's so hard to believe. I was telling the girls at work that she has outlived 2 husbands, has not had to burry one child or grandchild and overall is in good health. She has seen all of us grandchildren grow up and is about to see her 5th great grand baby in less than 2 weeks. She's been blessed beyond words and has lived a life that is pleasing to God and is an example to her family. I'm so thankful that she was able to see my kids and I pray God gives her many more years to enjoy her family....and for us to enjoy her!