Friday, June 28, 2013

Father's Day 2013, Eli's First Ranger Game and Surgery

June has come to an end and what an exciting month it has been!  We have spent so much time at the pool this month and the boys are having a blast.  Kevin is learning how to swim and Eli is learning his life jacket is awesome and will allow him to jump into the deep end and stay above water.  He used to be my reserved child but not to much now.  Eli attended his first Ranger game before he had surgery the next day.  Ranger game was a blast and his surgery went smoothly and his recovery has been pretty good.

Enjoy the pictures wrapping up a busy month.  Next month is even busier for us!  Kevin will attend Texas Ranger Baseball Camp the first week in July and we have VBS at Harvest the 3rd week.  Next thing we know Kevin will be gearing up to start school in August!

Papa with his boys

Me and my dad

Love these cute faces!

Awesome seats at Eli's first Ranger Game!!!

So excited to be at the game

Daddy with his boys

Eli had surgery on 6/20 to remove his adenoids and place a new set of tubes in his ears.  Here is just relaxing watching TV.

After surgery - this kid slept like crazy!!!

And just a few short hours later he was up and feeling great!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Well the decision was made NOT to move (anytime soon) and just enjoy the blessing of an affordable mortgage for a few more years.  Eli starts school in 3 years and aside from the Y's after school program, we are child care tuition free! be free from that incredible financial burden each week will be wonderful.  To make our house seem a little larger for the next few years a couple of changes had to take place.  One: remove the toys from the living room.  Two: fit two twin beds in Kevin's room and turn Eli's room into the play room.... TOTAL SUCCESS!!!

Our living room is toy free, both beds fit beautifully and the play room is awesome!  So thankful for a friend of Ben's that gave us her sons' bedroom furniture so we did not have to purchase a single thing.

Another fun accomplishment.... Kevin graduated from Kids' Place Kindergarten on 5/31.  Cannot believe he'll be in "big school" in August...just 2 short months! He was 5 months old when he started at Kids' Place.

We are enjoying the Summer already!!  We have been to the splash park 3 times already and if you're looking for us on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon...check the pool!